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Cases of Ring Chromosome 13    ALL

There are 16 cases now, 10 cases/page. Page.1/2  Pages: [1] [2]

Case No.GenderAgeCytogenomic findingsMajor clinical featureInheritance
cRC-13-00104male5mos 46,XY[.35]/46,XY,r(13)[.61]/46,XY,dic r(13)[.04]intellectual disability, microcephaly, bilateral cataracts, hearing impairment, hypospadia with microphallusn/a
cRC-13-00103female0mos 46,XX,r(13)(p11q32)[17]/45,XX,-13[5]prenatal ultrasound: intrauterine growth restriction, anencephaly, termination of pregnancyDe novo
cRC-13-00102female1346,XX,r(13)(p13q34)[71]/46~47,XX,r(13)var[11]/45,XX-15[12]/46,XX,-13,+mar[5]/46,XX[1], arr 13q34(109743729_144110721)x1intellectual disability, developmental delay, dysmorphic facial features, microcephaly, hearing impairment, prolonged prothrombin timeDe novo
cRC-13-00101male0Amniocytes: mos 46,XY,r(13)[50]/45,XY,-13[23]; FISH: r(13):-13:idic r(13) as 85%:13%:2%; arr[hg19] 13q34(110944977_115169878)×1; cord blood: mos 46,XY,r(13)[91]/46,XY,idic r(13)[6]/45,XY,-13[3]; POC: mos 46,XY,mar(13)[31]/45,XY,-13[3]; arr 13q13.3q34(37360000_115170000)x1maternal anxiety, down syndrome risk of 1/650 derived from second-trimester maternal serum screening De novo
cRC-13-00087male147,XYY,r(13)(p11q34), arr 13q33.2q34(104865782_113948665)× 1 intellectual disability, developmental delay, microcephaly, dysmorphic facial features, bilateral severe sensorineural hearing loss, corpus callosum hypoplasia, cerebral white matter abnormality, speech difficulty, microorchidism, hypospadias De novo
cRC-13-00039female0mos 46,XX,r(13)[.59]/46,XX,r(13)var[.38]/45,XX,-13[.03]intrauterine growth restriction, low birth weight, dysmorphic facial featuresn/a
cRC-13-00038female30mos 46,XX,der (6)t(6:13)(p25;q14),r(13)(p13q14)/46,XX,der(6)t(6;13),dic r(13)infertility, normal physical and mental appearance, normal external genitalia, referred by perinatal infant death at day 10, infant showed polydactyly, cleft lip, congenital heat defectParental n/a, no familial history of abortions
cRC-13-00037male0mos 46,XX,r(13)(p13q34)[81]/46~47,XX,r(13)var[13]/45,XX,-13[6] developmental delay, intellectual disability, microcephaly, hypotonia, dysmorphic facial features, epilepsyParental denial
cRC-13-00036female7mos 46,XX,r(13)[91]/45,XX,-13[9]developmental delay, intellectual disability, dysmorphic facial feature, microcephaly, speech difficultyDe novo
cRC-13-00035female12mos 46,XX,r(13)[81]/46~47,XX,r(13)var[3]/45,XX,-13[6]developmental delay, intellectual disability, dysmorphic facial features, turner-like webbed neckNT

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Figure.1 The frequency of symptoms in case(s) of ring chromosome  13

Figure.2 The gender distribution in case(s) of ring chromosome 13

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