




————  学  ————
    近些年来,在全体教职工的努力下,细胞生物学与遗传学教研室 教师在上好课的基础上,积极进行教学改革。获得了多项课题 ,以及多项国家级、省级和校级课件大赛大奖,取得了学校教学成果一等奖1项。全体教职工将继续努力下,争取更好的成绩。


  细胞生物学是生命科学研究的基础,它从细胞的整体、亚显微结构和分子三个不同的层次上把细胞的结构与功能统一起来进行探讨。在形态方面除了在光镜下观察描述细胞的结构外,还需要用新的工具和方法如电镜等观察和了解细胞的亚微结构和分子结构,来阐明细胞生命活动的结构基础。在功能方面,除了研究细胞内部的化学组成和新陈代谢活动之外,还要研究它们之间的关系及互相作用,以阐明生物有机体的生长、分化、遗传、变异、衰老、死亡等基本生命活动的规律。 在生命科学飞速发展的今天,细胞生物学是已成为学习和研究医学必不可少的基础理论。通过学习细胞生物学,可使学生获得学习其他医学课程的基础知识。教学大纲的所列课程内容都是要求学生学习的,由于教学时数的原因,教师在课堂上只讲授其中一部分,其余的学生可以通过自学等方式学习。但是对于要求掌握的内容,要求学生牢记并灵活运用,还能应用这些理论解释细胞在新陈代谢、遗传变异、衰老、死亡等基本生命活动的规律和现象。


  医学遗传学是临床医学与遗传学互相渗透的一门边缘学科,是人类遗传学的一个组成部分。医学遗传学揭示了人类纷繁的变异库,为人类遗传学研究提供了丰富的素材。医学遗传学的任务在于揭示各种遗传性疾病的遗传规律、发病机制、诊断和防治措施。本课程教学包括理论课教学。理论课教学内容包括遗传学与医学、遗传信息的结构和功能、人类染色体和染色体病、单基因遗传病、多基因遗传病、群体遗传、生化遗传病等。本课程按照计划教学时数20 学时,安排理论课教学20学时。通过理论课的教学,了解和掌握各种遗传性疾病的遗传规律、发病机制、诊断和预防措施。

  Cell BiologyEnter

  Cell biology is a basic and leading scientific area of core biological courses. It has been developing very fast from last century. Cell biology describes cell structures and their functions, and the mechanisms, principles, or regulations of every life event and how to use cell as the essential platform to study them. Usually, a life research project must be involved with cell as target or platform, such as molecular biological project usually must use cell even individual as target to check, display, or confirm the experimental results and level. Cell biology is so closely associated with molecular biology, molecular immunology, molecular pathology, developmental biology, neuroscience, and other frontier branches that we can say that cell biology is just molecular biology, and molecular biology is just cell biology.

  Medical GeneticsEnter

  Medical genetics is the specialty of medicine that involves the diagnosis and management of hereditary disorders. Medical genetics differs from human genetics in that human genetics is a field of scientific research that may or may not apply to medicine, but medical genetics refers to the application of genetics to medical care. For example, research on the causes and inheritance of genetic disorders would be considered within both human genetics and medical genetics, while the diagnosis, management, and counseling of individuals with genetic disorders would be considered part of medical genetics. In contrast, the study of typically non-medical phenotypes such as the genetics of eye color would be considered part of human genetics, but not necessarily relevant to medical genetics (except in situations such as albinism). Genetic medicine is a newer term for medical genetics and incorporates areas such as gene therapy, personalized medicine, and the rapidly emerging new medical specialty, predictive medicine.