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[Amnion] | a thin, protective membrane surrounding the baby during pregnancy. the amnion is the inner of the two fetal membranes (the chorion is the outer one). it contains the amniotic fluid. |
[Amniocyte] | cells found in the amniotic fluid which are obtained by amniocentesis. |
[Amniocentesis] | a prenatal diagnosis procedure performed after 15 weeks gestation which involves the removal of a small amount of amniotic fluid. the amniotic fluid contains cells from the baby, which can be examined to look for chromosomal, biochemical or gene alterations in the baby. |
[Alpha-feto protein (AFP)] | a protein produced by the fetus, which is excreted into the amniotic fluid and into the mother's bloodstream through the placenta. the amount of afp, both in the maternals blood and in the amniotic fluid, at particular periods during the pregnancy, may be associated with the presence of neural tube defects or chromosomal problems in the baby. |
[Alleles] | thereare two copies of each gene. alleles are alternate forms of the same gene. different alleles produce variations in inherited characteristics such as eye color or blood type. |
[Advanced maternal Age] | women who are age 35 years old or older at delivery, are at an increased risk for chromosome abnormalities. |
[Abnormal] | atypical, unusual or uncommon. when used in reference to chromosomes, an abnormal chromosome complement may result in a specific disorder. |